Water Sports Group (NEW Posting Feature - BETA - In Development) 448 members

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Wet and wild
Please share your personal favorite water sport. What can you not get enough of? Water skiing? Surfing? Swimming? Diving?

What is it about the water that is so appealing to you? How often do you need a fix?

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Aqua Sports to Exp
Nude waveboarding
Nude sailing
Nude boating
Nude surfing
Watercraft, waveriders etc.
Inflatable towed behind boat exp.
White river rapids.
Cigarette Boat races (Miami Vice season 1).
Race sailing??
scuba from submerged sub cruise.
Hardhat1 atmos diving for Tourists.

Some clothed some NOT.
By locale.
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A group for those who seek the thrill of the ride, mastering the waves and enjoying the beauty of the coastline.
Rules - Post And Be Seen
(BETA - In Development)
Posts must be specific to the Water Sports Group
There are a LOT of groups within this site and throughout the network. Only post comments and replies specific to this group in this area.
Be Nice, Or Else...
The following are grounds for account deletion:
1) Hate Speech
2) Ethnic Slurs
3) Threats
4) Harassing Other Members
5) Posting Any Full Name
6) Posting Any Email Address
7) Posting Any Phone Number
8) Posting Any Address
9) Requests For Money
10) Links To Other Sites
Keep It In Your Pants!
The following are grounds for account deletion:
1) Sexual Comments
2) Sexual Innuendo
3) Sexual Requests
4) Sexual Stories
5) References To Sexual Activity
Basically, this isn't a sex site and if you try to use it like one, you will be deleted!
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